SOA Young Organists' Competition: rules
Young Organists’ Competition 2024
1. Eligibility
The competition is open to anyone aged 18 and under in full-time education in the UK.
2. Entries
All entires should be made using the online forms at Competition Entry Forms where video files and scores for the Intermediate and Novice classes can also be uploaded.
The closing date for entries in the Advanced Class is Saturday 24th February 2024.
The closing date for entries in the Intermediate and Novice classes is Saturday 9th March 2024.
Permission from a parent/guardian will be required for those under 18.
3. Classes
Advanced (Grade 8+)
Two pieces, contrasting in style and period, together lasting not more than twelve minutes.Intermediate (Grade 6-7)
One or two pieces, in total lasting between five and seven minutesNovice (Grades 1-5)
One piece, lasting up to seven minutes
4. Prizes
The prizes in 2024 will be as follows:
Advanced: £75
Intermediate: £40
Novice (Grades 1-5): £25
5. Live classes
The Advanced class will take place at Merton College, Oxford on Saturday 9th March 2024.
Candidates will be allocated 30 minutes’ practice time prior to the competition. Every attempt will be made to ensure this is on the day of the competition for candidates travelling a significant distance. Local candidates may be allocated a time on a previous weekend.
6. Online classes
Video files should be clearly named with the name of the performer and the word 'video'.
Video recordings should be set up so that the performer and the organ console are clearly visible at all times. Ideally it should be possible to see your feet as well as a clear shot of your hands at the keys. The angle/frame of the captured video image should be consistent (i.e. stationary) throughout.
Participants should introduce themselves by name and announce the piece/s that they are about to play prior to commencing their performance.
Where participants play more than one piece, the two pieces should be recorded in a single video.
A copy of your score must be uploaded alongside the recording for the adjudicator to use (this will be deleted after the adjudication). Score files should be clearly named with the name of the performer and the word 'Score'; if multiple files are uploaded then this should also include the name of the composer.
It is the responsibility of the host of the location at which the recorded performance takes place to ensure that the space used is appropriate for the performance and is free from any Health and Safety risks such as trip hazards. The Association will not be responsible or liable for any injury that may occur because of a video recording being made.
Insurance is the responsibility of the parent or teacher, depending on the location of the recording.
7. Scores
Participants may use a printed score or a tablet computer for their performance, but they are reminded of the need to respect copyright laws, and support composers by using legitimate copies.
Participants in online classes will be asked to upload a copy of your score with the recording for the adjudicator to use (this will be deleted after the adjudication). Score files should be clearly named with the name of the performer and the word 'Score'; if multiple files are uploaded then this should also include the name of the composer.
8. Adjudication
Names of winners and runners up in live classes will be announced on the day.
Names of winners and runners up in online classes will be emailed to competitors and published in the SOA website within a few days of the closing date (depending on size of entry).
All participants will receive more detailed individual feedback via email soon after this.
The adjudicator’s decision is final and no correspondence will be entered into.
9. Safeguarding
The SOA aims to provide a safe environment for everyone who enters the competition.
• Candidates performing in person who are under 18 must be accompanied by a parent or guardian, including for any practice time allocated.
• Permission given by parents /guardians of entrants under 18 as part of the entry process will constitute allowing a video performance to be used for the purpose of adjudication, and for publicity purposes after the event by the SOA
• The posting of video performances to be marked by an adjudicator will constitute authorized use of photography.
10. Privacy
Please refer to the Privacy Policy published on our website